Welcome to my vanity project.

I’ve always been super attractive, maybe too attractive, then one day I discovered I could draw, realising I could be two things - hot and talented.

I first realised I was talented during the 2020 lockdown when I decided to draw the love of my life, Arnott’s BBQ Shapes. It was my gateway-shape, and before I knew it I was drawing all the varieties - Pizza, Vegemite & Cheese, Savoury, Nacho Cheese, and of course Chicken Crimpy.

Just like every tortured eccentric artist, I then had a little mental breakdown, gave away my belongings, moved into a van, and transitioned to drawing digitally - mainly because I wanted an excuse to claim my iPad as a tax write-off.

I’m currently travelling around the country of so-called Australia in my van, drawing inspiration and drawing inspiration wherever I go (both metaphorically and literally). I don’t particularly like people, so I get all the validation I need through being liked on Instagram. Im constantly contradicting myself - I don’t believe in life-after-death, but at the same time I do believe in ghosts. Speaking of ghosts, how good is the movie Ghost?! I am a fan of anything Whoopi Goldberg is in though.

Im currently working on a series called ‘West In Show’ celebrating the vibrant and diverse communities of Melbourne’s West. Its the part of the world I was born and raised, like everything has light and shade, but is unperfectionally beautiful. I hope you enjoy the series, and the work I do in the future.

- James Joseph

Drop a Line
