West In Show 2023

Often an area new migrants would settle in, Melbourne’s Western Suburbs has traditionally been working class area, with a rich diverse culture and history. A place that is often overlooked, under resourced, and whose imperfect beauty often goes unrecognised.

‘West In Show’ aims to celebrate this unique place in Melbourne.

All prints are available for purchase at the JAJO Shop.

Footscray Market, Footscray

Footscray Market has been a focal point of the Footscray community since the 1950s, and is a place you’ll be able to get just about anything to cater to it’s large and diverse multicultural community. I remember visiting the market on bustling Saturday mornings, noise and aromas filling the air, intrigued by things for sale I’d never seen before.

I have many childhood memories of the yellow and red ‘FM’ logo at the Footscray Market, it’s an image anyone who grew up in the Western Suburbs would recognise.

The Sun Theatre, Yarraville

The Sun Theatre is the jewel in the crown of Yarraville Village, possibly even the whole inner-west. First opening in 1938, the theatre has been renovated and restored to capture all its glorious art deco features, now showing both mainstream and arthouse films.

Visiting the Sun always takes me back to being in my 20’s - a time I was too cool, cultured, and sophisticated for Village Cinemas in Sunshine or Hoyts Cinemas at Highpoint. I wanted thought-provoking, edgy arthouse films that other people just wouldn’t understand - all doing it with popcorn, Maltesers and a boysenberry choc-top. My brother and sister-in-law were lucky enough to have the Sun as their wedding venue, being a special place for our family.

Brimbank Council, Sunshine

Hampshire Road in Sunshine is a bustling place that seemingly goes through an evolution (and facelift) every decade. The Brimbank Council building towers over the road, and serves as a focal point for the whole Sunshine community. It is a building that both recognises Sunshine’s manufacturing history, and celebrates the multicultural community we enjoy today.

I wanted to include John Kelly’s Man Lifting Cow statue in this piece, as it is a beautiful contrast amongst the many Vietnamese restaurants, supermarkets and bakeries along the street - demonstrating Sunshine’s vibrant and diverse community and history.

The Substation, Newport

The Newport Substation was originally built in the 1920s and was used as an electricity substation until it was decommissioned in the early 2000s. In 2010, it was transformed into an arts and cultural center after a major redevelopment project.

The newly renovated Newport Substation now features multiple gallery spaces, a black box theater, a performance space, and a cafe. It hosts a range of cultural events, including art exhibitions, theater performances, music concerts, and film screenings. The center also provides facilities for artists to create and showcase their work, including artist studios and a workshop space.

The redevelopment of the Newport Substation has transformed the disused industrial site into a vibrant cultural hub, providing a unique and versatile space for artists and performers to showcase their work and engage with the community.

The Railway Hotel, Yarraville

The Railway Hotel in Yarraville, Australia is a historic hotel located in the suburb of Yarraville in Melbourne's inner west. The hotel has a rich history dating back to the late 19th century when it was first established to serve the railway workers and travelers passing through the area.

The original building was constructed in 1888 and was designed by the prominent Melbourne architect, William Pitt. Over the years, the hotel has undergone several renovations and expansions, including the addition of a large dining room and a beer garden.

Overall, the Railway Hotel is an important landmark in the Yarraville community, and its history and character make it a unique and cherished part of Melbourne's cultural heritage.

Werribee Mansion, Werribee

This is Werribee Mansion. Its the last in the West In Show series, and by this point I am really tired of writing descriptions…. so if you want to know more, Google it mate ;)


Bootleg Merch


JAJO Neighbourhood